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Our fundamental responsibility as an employer is to provide a clean safe and healthy workplace for all of our employees. Our commitment and efforts are explained further in our safety and health policy. We also address environmental challenges, including initiatives to promote efficient use of resources, and environmental stewardship as well as supporting the development and dissemination of new technologies and services that enable use and access to clean energy.

We believe that the power systems and energy management sector has a key role to play in finding innovative solutions to address global climate change. Our climate change policy underscores our goal to carry out all business activities in a sustainable manner. Our environmental policies and practices aim to protect, conserve, and sustain the world’s natural resources, as well as to protect our customers and the communities in which we work and live.

"We believe that the power systems and energy management sector has a key role to play in finding innovative solutions to address global climate change."

You can read more about our environmental management systems in our environmental policy which sets forth our commitments and goals. Learn more about our commitment to the environment and the many responsibilities that come with being the leading manufacturer of industrial batteries at our environmental services page. We also offer a complete battery recycling program to assist our customers as we all work to conserve natural resources, promote a circular economy and ensure full compliance with recycling and waste disposal regulations.

All of these efforts are underpinned by an ethos of continuous improvment We encourage every EnerSys employee to engage in ongoing training, professional development and educational advancement programs. Please inquire about our curriculum, organization and resources by contacting our Director, Global Training & Development for more information.